My Brothers Keeper

If you have a brother old or younger it’s important to have a strong relationship with them. coming from a house of 5 boys and being the middle child you tend to see the importance of things. You should always be tight should nothing split you guys up no matter what. Yeah you might get into fights and have heated arguments but that’s what brothers are made for to make your life feel like a leaving hell at times but at the end of the day that’s your blood. If you are the older brother you need to set a good example for the younger one because they look up to you a lot and what ever you do or say can mole the younger brother to what you presented to him because he want to be like you. You should spend time withe your sibling, go out to places make memories the good ones the ones when you look back you can just laugh about it until you are purple to the face and gasping for air. You should build their self confidence make them feel like they can do what ever they put their mind to. Don’t tear them down and discourage them let them have a character about them something that make them uniq in their own little way not what reminds you of yourself when you was younger. You should alway protect your brother, it’s ok if you pick a fight with them and call them names that’s your brother you have every rights but never should another person make your brother feel less then a person.

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